
Bliggity Bloggity Boo

I replied to psycho married guy’s first email and told him, basically, that he is delusional and that I didn’t understand what he was talking about and that I hope he gets his shit straight and all that. I made it abundantly clear that I did not want to communicate with him and that I wished him the best…somewhere else…far, far away. And…he wrote me back again! Anyway, he is insistent on sending me the poems that he wrote…and it is still a mystery how he got my work email address…Only people I LIKE get that address. Aside from the fact, that I didn’t give him ANY email address. Bastard. I swear…someone is video taping all the stupid shit that happens to me and I am the only one who doesn’t get to know about it. It is all a set up. It is used for some crazy reality show that doesn’t air in my house.

Tropical Storm Jeanne is now “Hurricane Jeanne” and I am SO about to pack my shit and move to Nebraska. Seriously. Does anything happen in Nebraska? Do they have tornadoes, snow storms, anything?

I am kind of pissed off today. My circle of friends is too…connected. I know too many people who don’t like other people that I know. I know too many people who don’t know what not to say to whom. It makes me want to scream. I got bitched out last night because my good friend’s ex-wife found out (through another friend of mine) where he lived. And if his ex-wife wasn’t a crazy, nasty bitch, we wouldn’t have any problems. But the last time she found out where he was living, his brand new car stereo was stolen from his apartment parking lot. Weird! So, my brand-new homeowner friends thought that they would be living free of the crazy, nasty bitch forever. And then…they get an email from her. Now I am getting bitched at just because I know the girl that told her. And it isn’t like I go around advertising where they live, it just so happens that I talk about my friends in regular conversation, not maliciously. It isn’t like I WANTED the crazy bitch to find them! It isn’t like I thought I would have to worry about that! I was just excited cause my friends bought a house…and it made them happy, so it made ME happy…and NOW…because I forgot that no one listens but everyone wants to talk all the time, I am the bad guy. Friends are stupid. Blog, blog, blog.

I have seriously been considering moving though. I have known the same people and gone to the same places in the same town for pretty much my whole life. I have never really experienced any other place, except wherever my dad happened to live when my sister and I went to visit. I am sick of all the middle school drama that happens when you know everyone in town because you have gone to school with them or worked with them, or dated their brother or whatever. There are certain places that I won’t go, for fear of running into somebody that I don’t want to see. I need to go somewhere that I don’t know anyone. I called my friend in Seattle last night and told him to get my room ready. I am thinking that once I do my year sentence as a Medical Secretary, I will get the hell out of here. Seems like the thing to do.

1 comment:

Jon said...

amen. Avoid Cleveland. It was ranked today as the poorest BIG city.