
Hissy Fits and Horrible Englishmen

So…the sleeping thing, didn’t so much happen as it did…well…not.

I nearly passed out on the drive home from work but pressed on, ran some errands and finally settled down at about 7. An hour later, I was on my way to LIP to see L’s “Uncle D” who is in from England. This would have been fine, if I had stuck to the three beer maximum that I had set for myself. It also would have been fine if L didn’t order 3 or every shooter that she saw the waitress bring to the table next to us. It would have been better still if she hadn’t gotten completely hammered and insistent on staying after her girlfriend and roommate left.

Needless to say, when K and M left, the agreement was, since I had already stopped drinking, that I would bring L and Unky to my house. This agreement, of course, caused a massive argument between L and her girlfriend. (Gotta love lesbian drama, lemme tell ya).

I ended up taking D to my house since L decided to recruit someone to take her home and then argue with me for 30 minutes about not wanting to leave. At 3am, he was sitting on my stomach, tickling me, and trying to convince me to call in sick today so we could go swimming. I tried to explain to him that I have actually already gone swimming at 3am this week and I am good for at least another month. But…it didn’t make him stop sitting on my stomach. And Horrible Englishmen evidently tickle very hard.

Tonight, to avoid NOT sleeping when I say I will, I am taking a sleeping pill at 6pm. That is all there is to it. I don’t wanna hear any shit, okay people. Leave me alone.

Stuck-in-my-head Song of the Day: "Tainted Love" - Soft Cell


wmjwatson said...

Let me guess... someone selling something?
Was this a LITTLE horrible englishman? I mean, sitting on your stomach?
I love these stories that women tell where they try to exlpain such deplorable actions by others (even if you're just kidding, it's as egue so shush). The ones that go "We were drinking or smoking or whatever" and within just a few sentences get to "And then the guy wouldn't get off me so I could change out of teh minnie mouse outfit and get the buttplug out of the dog. How RUDE!" Thent hey give you grief when you question how they GOT into that position in the first place.
How did the guy get ON your tummy to DO the tickling?

spaceface01 said...


spaceface01 said...

And really, the beauty of it is that I don't HAVE to explain it...it happened...pretty much as inexplicably as I write it. I was tackled, then tickled...Don't understand how that is confusing...???

wmjwatson said...

Well, you you said "At 3am, he was sitting on my stomach, tickling me" with no mention of how he got there... which was the point of MY point. Now that I know he takled you, I get it. NOW it's NOT confusing.
Beyond the whole getting tackled in the first place part. What are you, a turtle? Once you're on your back your helpless?
Not that that is necessarily a BAD thing.
Good luck with the whole getting sleep thing.
I'm willing to bet you don't get it.