
Sunshine, Mustard, and all things golden...

Some things…

First, since people are so concerned. When I bolted out the door on Friday, the last email that I had received from the office guy was asking if I had plans over the weekend. I logged out of email after that, and got the hell out of here. But…I have already heard from him today. Luckily, due to a busy department, there has been very little chit chat.

Second, JGJ and I had a great time on Saturday/Sunday. I say it like that because we didn’t sleep until yesterday at about 9am. We drank import beer in the sun, played foozball, hung out with KB, heard some reggae, sat in a Jacuzzi, watched “The State”, enjoyed a sunrise, did cartwheels, and splashed around in the ocean like little kids. The only complaint from my end is how short not sleeping makes the weekend seem. But we painted the town NAD and I am glad that this memory is fonder (not to mention CLEARER) than the last time I saw him. It was a good time. Or, as Jay would say, “A large time”.

Thirdly, even after the only sleep I have had this weekend being a nap (quite literally), I couldn’t sleep last night and am breaking plans tonight to do just that. I can’t wait, actually.

I had forgotten that I had mentioned to JGJ that no one ever left me good voicemail at work and that he had taken his cell phone, walked out of earshot, and left me one. I think it is safe to say that stumbling across it in the midst of all of the work related ones, was enough to brighten the day.

This morning a coworker surprised me with a gift. It is an angel figurine. What I found so amusing about it is that it is holding a hot dog in one hand and a mustard bottle in the other. Immediately reminded me of Eppernepperhart and Bradley (“Girl, I will buy you hotdogs and thangs…”) which brought out more than a little giggle. So now, since it is the only decorative thing here on my desk (precisely the reason for the gift), I have a constant reminder of Jay and Bradley. (Aren’t you proud, Jay? No, I will not call you Big Poppa.)

My past involves a lot of memories involving hotdogs. Odd.


wmjwatson said...

Oooooo, good question! Granted, it's easier for a guy to imagine BEING a hot dog.
Though probably easier for a woman to imagine eating herself as one.

spaceface01 said...

Yet another, Brandy, fabulous job...I have to make sure Ricky and Rack don't read that comment though...it is likely I will be sitting in between them while they are doing impressions of "The Scary Space Guy That Shakes" for two hours...oh the humanity.