
I got paid this morning at 12. I am already broke again. Had to pay all of the bills at the same time. I hate it when that happens...I should have known it would be a stupid day.

I parked in the parking lot this morning (which is located about 3.5 miles from the door that I enter in to begin my day) and as soon (and I actually mean AS SOON) as I slid it into park...guess what. The sky opens up and dumps Lake Superior on my head. So, needless to say, it takes me 5 minutes to get to the building, walking as quickly as possible without falling down. And when I get to the door, the rain stops...birds are singing. The sun is shining. I am dripping. It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood, now that I have made it inside. So, I walk in to the morgue like air conditioning of the cafeteria, almost fall on my face because my squishy, squeaky shoes are not cooperative when they get cold. Note to self: Invent umbrella that protects you from sideways rain.

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