
B just called. He is coming into town tomorrow. I don’t know how to take that. I haven’t seen him in almost a year. And now he calls. Just to tell me that he will be here. I wonder if he is single. That would be a reason he would call. He always like to…make things difficult. God…what a hottie. What a YOUNG hottie. He should probably NOT call me to tell me that he is in town. Everyone knows that we can’t keep our hands off of each other. AH!

Why can’t I just be taken?

I am almost ready to start my new job tomorrow. Just have to pick an outfit, remember to get up in time, and be…me. I know that I can do this. Someone tell me that I can do this. Wish me luck, here I go.

I had a great day though. I discovered, that I really really get along with Casper’s husband and that I can teach him a lot about music. Which I don’t think that I am totally educated about…but I know that I can teach him. I have already introduced him to several bands he had never heard of…Travis being one…YAY, me!

I love it tonight though. “The future is wide open”.

Stuck-in-my-head Song of the Day: "Blood Makes Noise"- Suzanne Vega

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