
I spent last night working myself into a migraine inducing frenzy of emotional nonsense. I thought long and hard about something that I feel I need to do and I have expressed myself in a way that I have never thought was possible. Although, I have completed the task, I have taken the first step. I have opened a part of me that I had kept under lock and key for years.

My migraines come when I am stressed out. Stressed out is the mildest way that I can put this. I woke up this morning and had to pop my migraine medication that had been hidden away for almost a year since I had my last severe one. The medication makes me sleep but not soundly. I wake periodically, feeling suffocated, almost like drowning.

I had to call in sick. Which is ironic, because in talking with LBG last night, I had joked about calling in sick and sleeping and watching chick flicks. This ended up happening anyway, but not in a good way. I would rather stick my head in the oven than have a migraine. I hope you all realize that it doesn’t pay for me to get emotional. This is what happens.

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