
Erotic Tangerines

It is finally Friday!!! And I learned that I am not the only person in my class experiencing difficulty with the computer/phone/power situation, so I should "not get stressed", according to my professors. Not that it matters, Ivan is hot on our trail...I have never seen anything like this. Public school just reopened today and there are still 16,000 homes with no power in the city alone. And we weren't even directly hit. There are floods everywhere. It seems a damn shame that they are beginning clean-up and then it all will begin again. The projected path for Ivan says that it will hit us around Tuesday and we, here at work, are being instructed to make sure the patients know that we may be closed on Monday. We just freaking did this!

I am a little bummed because it is the first weekend in a while that I could actually do something exciting because I won't be trapped indoors and I am B-R-O-K-E. It is pretty lame. My friend is moving to Boca Raton today and I am kind of sad about that too.


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