
I have the weird, pit of my stomach feeling again. Like something is going to happen. I need to keep track of this because I never know if I am right! I forget all about the weird butterflies when something actually does happen. I woke up in the middle of a really strange dream too. I won’t even get into that though because…I just can’t even explain it and I only remember, in it, feeling the need to wear this red shirt and that all of my clothes had tags on them…like I didn’t really own anything…and then I was listening to my friend tell me a story faking some sort of accent…and there was a huge, black dog…and somehow, evidently, this makes me have butterflies in my stomach…hmmm.

Eppernepperhart won’t do my homework. He says he is learning Arabic and doesn’t have time. That is ridiculous. Doesn’t he care about my future?! What is the world coming to when you can’t even depend on your friends to write your history papers?! Geeeeez…

The boy who affectionately refers to me as “Boozehound” (which is alright with me, as his name is “Fuckface”) is moving away on Wednesday. I am kind of sad about it. We have had some fun drunk nights…atleast I HOPE that was him…(I will be mourning my loss while helping my friends polish off a keg tonight.) This one’s for my homies.

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