
Looks like Ivan will spare us. Good news. I wasn’t really looking forward to Florida falling into the ocean…

I got an email from the psycho married guy today. No idea how he got my email address or why in hell he felt the need to use it. Things were going so well and then…BAM.

And here it is:

I was gunna talk to you before I left but I decided not to I wish I could though. I wish things were different but their not. I just want to let you know that I do miss you and that I wish I could of talked to you more or hung out with you more. That was all I wanted. I know it felt like forever when I was waiting to see if you wanted to go to the movies but oh well. I hope your doing good and I would love to be friends with you but I don’t think your gunna talk to me.I still want to give you the poems I wrote cause they mean something – to me anyways but I know that is a long shot. Be safe and just know I do think about you time to time wondering what is going on..

With love,


First of all, I would just like to say that I don’t understand WHY I got this email. Secondly, I don’t understand what the hell he is talking about the movies for…we never went to the movies…we never did anything except hang out with some of his coworkers who happen to be my friends. I don’t know what his deal is. And I don’t want any damn poems! I need to move.
My friend who is a brand new lesbian has decided to “marry” her girlfriend (of course, they can’t get married for real in this state but…) I don’t oppose gay marriages, but they have been dating less than a year, moved in together after 3 months. The thing that bothers me is that my friend likes guys A LOT and her girlfriend doesn’t at all. My friend has expressed that she isn’t sure that she wants to be with a chick forever. She wants to eventually have kids and stuff and this conversation JUST happened! Now, all of a sudden, she is getting “married”?! What the hell? So anyway, she wants me to be involved in the ceremony, so I will…I am just worried that she is fucking her girlfriend over hard core. I feel bad for her. Because I know my friend, and I have a sneaking suspicion that the minute someone else pays attention to her, she will leave her girlfriend and crush her…like a bug. I guess I should stop getting stressed out about stuff like this…but I hate to see bad things happen to people. Damn conscience.

1 comment:

Jon said...

A poem...
Roses are red
violets are blue
Crytal don't like you
Its not getting through.