
Well...B came and went. And everything is fine. So, that is good. We all went out last night and drank our asses off, but it was good. He looked HOT, like always, but I stayed away.

I hate seeing people that I have known for that long though. I saw Casey's sister too. She was exactly the same and there I am. 10 years older, not nearly as innocent, and ready to party. And she wanted to talk about the relationship between me and B. What a buzz kill.

Good behavior is dumb.

Since I don't wear scrubs to work anymore, I keep getting emails from the "lab boy" saying "You look beautiful." it is so cute. Too bad I am not interested in him at all. But it is so sweet. Guys named Sean love me. With the exception of my sister's ex...who was afraid that I might rip him to shreds at any second. What to do...

1 comment:

Pookie.... said...

UM.... what is going on and why don't I know about this!!!!!!