
I took a weekend away from the world and just decided to let things happen. Or not happen as it were. I didn’t really feel the need to look presentable or even attempt it. I didn’t, at times, feel the need to return phone calls or even take the phone off of silent. I felt the need to read. I read and listened to music and thought. Hence the lack of things to say lately.

Missy Pissy tried to get me to go to the Gay Pride Festival yesterday, but…seeing as I am not gay, I just didn’t feel much like going. Not to say that I haven’t gone before…but…whatever. I felt content in staying home and putting together the ultimate CDs for LBG. I have a lot to think about anyway.

ZH told me he is thinking about coming to visit in January, for his birthday. I can’t wait to see how “the letter” will affect his decision. I am thinking I should know in a couple of days, possibly tomorrow. Surprisingly, I am only slightly anxious about it. I think that I have worn myself out about it. So much stress. So much uncertainty. So much uncharacteristic behavior. We shall see…
Evidently, my dad sent me a package. I came home today and there was a little package slip on the door saying that they had tried to deliver it but I wasn’t home. I wanted to pick it up right away. Unfortunately, I am going to have to find some way to get it during the time that I am supposed to be at work. I miss my dad. Even though he has been…well…absent. Sometimes, I can understand that about him. He isn’t like most people. He is a free spirit. He follows his bliss, and whether or not it leads him closer to me, it is admirable. And I love him. That bastard. I hope it’s money.

Stuck-in-my-head Song of the Day: "I am a Patriot" - Jackson Browne

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