
Finally. I can go home tonight and not have to worry about the pile of paperwork building for a few days.

I am pretty sure that this weekend will be pretty tame. I plan to do the bi-weekly happy hour party with Connie-Bob tonight but for tomorrow night, I believe my plans will include, Pookie, some music, and a bottle of wine. And that is just the way I like it.

I have been a Mix CD makin’ fool lately. LBG has recruited me to update her music collection with several themed mixes. One mix per emotion. Not a bad thing to have, but not quite so easy to make. I had promised Connie-Bob a personal mix of music she’d never heard before, but threw in a few songs that I knew she loved for good measure. I made ZH a mix of songs from “The Summer of Fire” (as I call it) and then some stuff he called me weird for liking (based solely on the names of the bands). I will open him up if it kills me. I actually made his CD so that I would have to mail something to him anyway, thus ensuring that I would actually just mail the goddamned letter already. (It is gone…don’t worry…along with a healthy mix of music that will cause vivid flashbacks of 1998 and no doubt, make him laugh and thank his lucky stars he moved away.)

Had a little reiki work done the other day courtesy of Jess (although, I am pretty sure that she does it all the time when I am not paying attention anyway) and she said that I have “ickiness” (Duh.) in an area which could have a lot to do with TMJ (highly likely) but could also have a lot to do with a need to say something. I found it odd, considering the current letter issues and all. It made me feel like I could get rid of the “ickiness” if I just a) get a jaw replacement and b) get rid of everything that I need to get rid of. So, there ya go. But it is weird, because now, in the exact place that she said I had this “ickiness” I have a pain…not a sharp one…just like…an aching. Hopefully, that will be remedied soon.

Stuck-in-my-head Song of the Day: "Sexual Healing"- Marvin Gaye (Thanks to some Pinhead)

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