
Thank you, thank you, thank YOU!

I want to thank all of you who sponsored me for Gulu Walk. The turnout wasn't what I had thought it would be but it was still very inspiring to see people who felt as strongly as I did. I mean, the least we can do is give up a few hours of our weekend to do something that means something. I raised $100 for the cause and I am supremely proud to have been able to take part in something so important.

Regretfully, I did not have my camera on hand to take pictures of the lot of us in our bright orange shirts and wrist bands parading down A1A on a cloudy October morning, but I am hoping that I can find a couple of pictures on line to share. Again, THANK YOU!

If you want more information about Gulu Walk or the situation in Northern Uganda, visit Resolve Uganda or check out Invisible Children for ways YOU can help.

Peace and love.

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