
Today is one of those days when your body gets up and does the normal “morning things” to prepare for another long, monotonous day at the office, but your mind seems to stay somewhere between “sleep” and ”coma”. I am drinking enough coffee that they might as well hook me up with an IV and just pump it in that way. Nothing. I am no more alert than I was at 5:45 this morning when my alarm went off. You know the feeling. Your eyes squinting almost painfully as you fumble around trying to find the button that makes the terrible beeping stop. Your body lifelessly denies the movement that will shortly come, the unsettling idea of pushing itself out of a bed of warm, fluffy cloudlike pillows…
My mind hasn’t quite left that part of the day. The worst part of the day. Waking up.
Normally, by this time, I am, at the very least, coherent. I haven’t been able to follow a single conversation today. People have stopped talking to me. Don’t get me wrong, this is not a bad thing. I have to wonder though, have they picked up on the fact that I am just going through the motions and doing the classic “smile and nod” routine? Or do I just have an irritated scowl on my face? Either way, silence is golden.

I really am kind of worried though…I don’t remember ever feeling like this unless I had taken something. Maybe I was drugged. I don’t know when this would have occurred. Maybe my job is trying to create zombies. Maybe they are putting sedatives in the coffee. Ironic.

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