
Wanna get high man, a'listen right here....

I had to call 911 twice yesterday. I called once from work. Which happens quite often, because, while I work at a clinic, we don’t have emergency care, so…
Anyway, I went to have dinner with a couple of friends at my favorite beachy outdoor bar/grille…and this weird guy (who was so OBVIOUSLY Navy, you could smell it) comes in alone, pulls out all of the four chairs at the table behind us (as if some people will be joining him), sits down, mutters a few inaudible words, and passes out. Everyone just kind of ignored him until it became obvious that no one was meeting him. He started kind of swaying every once in a while. The kind of swaying that you do when you are sleeping in class and trying to keep your head up and not fall out of your chair. My friends and I were pretty sure that it wouldn’t be long before someone would have to do something. I continued eating dinner…and then there was a thud. When I turned around, he was crawling (I am not even really sure that you could call it crawling, half of his body was crawling, the other half was…being dragged.) to another table where a girl was shooing him away, laughing at him. I started to feel bad. Who was this guy and why had his friends left him in this state to wander around the beach alone? How could they sleep at night? Bastards. Granted, this guy was stupid as hell for getting that lit, but have some fucking compassion!
Anyway, my new friend from my speech class was with me and she ran inside to tell the manager that he MAY want to do something about the drunk guy, as two guys place drunk guy back in the chair he had fallen out of, each take a side, and carry him across the bar, and down three stairs, where they place him on the SIDEWALK. I guess he had started puking at this point. I have no idea. Eventually, they brought him back up onto the deck and set him by the front door where he fell out of his chair, yet again. This time, more people saw it so there was laughing and pointing and just plain ugliness happening. No one helped him get up. No one tried to get help. I got pissed and ran inside to tell the manager that I was calling rescue. At this point, the guy was shaking and sweating and dry heaving and he couldn’t speak. So, we called 911.
They finally came. The guy was in bad shape. Really bad. He didn’t even remember his name. I really hate to see things like that. Especially the assholes who laughed at him. He deserved it to an extent, he did it to himself, but I just…I don’t know…I guess I just care too much about these random people. I guess that is what my job does for me.

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