
War down south...

Yet another email from bitter psycho married guy...(he has graduated from being JUST psycho married guy)...his feeble attempts at trying to hurt my feelings (because he is insane and can't accept that I don't like his sorry ass) are becoming unbearable...It is really sad that someone who is my age can act like this. He really is pathetic. And...I really don't understand it. But it does bring me back to a common feeling of mine. Boys are stupid.

The storm was nuts yesterday. We lost power this time, so Tiff and I sat around in the dark and played the drinking version of "War" which is usually pretty fun, but I think we were just so over being hot and stuck in the dark that we couldn't even enjoy it. It was a strange weekend. The Usher concert was good. I was surprised that I knew so many of his songs, seeing as I have never owned any of his albums. Kanye West was amazing though. But I expected as much.

Today, half of the city is closed down, but alas, my job is open...and we are here, slaving away...blah. It is funny though, having actually witnessed the angry ocean yesterday, how you never realize how small you are until you see something so incredible. At first I thought, "God is trying to wipe Florida off of the map." Now I think He is just trying to put us all in our places. Word.

Ben Harper has a new album out with the Blind Boys of Alabama and I can't wait to get it. The Blind Boys are freaking amazing!

1 comment:

spaceface01 said...

In CLEVELAND?! Because it seems to me that, since they never come to MY town, that would be something good about YOURS! :)