
I am at home AND I am on the internet. And I am so excited...of course the cable people haven't been here yet to hook me up with the high speed, but...in due time...in due time...so it is just dial up for now...

Last night...we had some people over...probably like 7 or something...and around midnight I hear the front door open and someone clopping up the steps...Tiff is in the kitchen...I hear her talking, so I go to the top of the stairs and guess what! Two people in their fifties, a woman and a man. The man, dragging a cooler with wheels up the steps and the woman, standing directly in front of me with a half empty bottle of Chardonnay...what the hell?
The woman looks at us and says, "Alright, which one of you was sitting on the porch with the infectious laugh?"
"Ummmm...Me?" I said...still wondering who the hell these people are...turns out, they are neighbors, heard me laughing, thought, "They sound like they're having fun!" so they came on over...ONLY ME...
It gets better...THEN she wants me to smoke with her! She actually carried her stuff in her pocket TO MY HOUSE IN THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT along with a cooler full of Miller Light and a bottle of wine! What the hell??? I swear............Only me.

Kanye happens tonight! I hope Jeanne doesn't happen tomorrow...I really don't want to have to do all this hurricane shit again...WHY ARE THERE SO MANY?!

I am sad about Cat Stevens...

I am also sad about homework...I still can't find anyone who wants to do it for me...sons of bitches.

Stuck-in-my-head Song of the day: The Wind- Cat Stevens

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