
And so it was...

Pinhead is here hanging out with Tiff again. Pinhead, for those of you who don't know, is the first of the friends that I decided not to be friends with anymore. The problem is, my roommate has not followed suit. She told me that she was going OUT with him tonight, not bringing him here.

Tiff has decided that she is definitely moving. So, now...I must a) find a roommate, b) find an apartment, or c) find both. This whole thing blows. I really hate the whole idea of moving again and I REALLY hate the idea of having to live with someone else. I asked Missy Pissy if she would be interested. She said yes...BUT she will have to break it to her girlfriend. So, this could fall through. Not cool.

I just got off the phone with Randy...he had called last week inviting me to go skydiving in Boca. To which I responded, "WITH WHAT MONEY?!" And that was settled. But...HOPEFULLY that will all change soon enough. Funny that he called to invite me of all people. What, with the fact that he has always just been the "benefits" friend. Oh well...it was nice of him. He knows how much I have always wanted to do that...and since he moved, we haven't talked much.

The job is going well. I haven't been able to do much because I am basically just shadowing other people, so I haven't had a computer. Which has greatly influenced my communication with the outside world. Less blog reading, less emailing, less time for talking on the phone. I feel lost without my own desk. I hate it. But hopefully, this too, shall pass. I won't hold my breath though...it seems that my new supervisor is the most disorganized person on the planet.

My hands feel like ice cubes.

Stuck-in-my-head Song of the Day: "Six Underground" - Sneaker Pimps

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