
So...I think that my friend's significant other tried to hit on me last night. Which makes me more than a little uncomfortable. It started out as like, innocent flirtation (to which I was NOT receptive). Innocent flirtation does not tend to bother me because, being a people watcher, I am aware that this is how the sexes interact, BUT...it ended up with him trying to actually cuddle with me. I mentioned before, I am not a huge cuddler, even with people whom I know well or am dating, so why on earth would this guy think that it was okay???

I spent most of the night taking care of Tiff because she drank too much. But I had had quite a bit to drink, but by this time, the buzz had worn off and the tired had set in. I feel bad because at 4am, I couldn't distinguish between friendliness and overt flirting. I should have drawn the line, but these are the kinds of lines you don't expect to have to draw. These are the ones that you just tend to assume are there. Unspoken.

I am not going to tell her. I am not going to create any drama that I don't need. Aside from the fact that I could be misreading the whole thing. Although, after talking to Tiff and getting her input, I highly doubt it. But, being that it was late, and there was a small amount of alcohol involved on his part, and he didn't try to kiss me or anything (just borderline TOO CLOSE FOR COMFORT things...), I am going to let it go, THIS TIME. I don't want anyone to get hurt. I am just going to have to watch this one. I will not let this happen again, that's for sure.

What the hell is it about me that gets me into these situations? I know that I am not giving off anything on purpose that says, "Hey, I don't care about my friends' feelings! Lets party!" but obviously, somewhere things are going terribly awry.

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