

So, I could get used to this 7-3 shift. I like that when I get home the sun is still out and that I can walk on the beach alone and watch. I came home this afternoon, ate a fake chicken patty and went walking on the beach. It is so refreshing. God, I love where I live. I love that it is still January and I am, again, wearing a tank top. Don’t hate.

The weird thing is that, I am not, in the least, any more tired than I would be leaving for work an hour and a half later. It is nice. I just feel…good. (siiiiigh…)

I guess I just figure I should embrace the moments that I have where I am. Comfortable.
Because there is no telling how much longer there will be of that.

It seemed like there was only one wave today. Like it just circled around and kept coming back to greet me. And it wasn’t your normal swishy sounding wave, it was the kind that boomed so loud that if you weren’t looking, you could swear it would sweep you away. But it was just a meek little monster. Gentle but furious.

It was the kind of day that made me wish for rain…so that at the end, there would be nothing to miss.

Stuck-in-my-head Song of the Day: "Angry Anymore" - Ani Difranco

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