
Tonight we will have, what might be the final, “Kings” tournament with Tiff and friends. I felt the need to do it one more time before “the end”…it will be weird not living with her. It has been two and a half years! I can’t believe it. Who would have thought when we were 15, that she would move here, into an apartment with me, and stay as long as she has. Sad…but not so much that I will get bummed about it. I think it will be good for both of us. I think that it might be easier for us to find ourselves if we aren’t so comfortable where we are. It will be tough, though. Because, over the years, despite all of our ridiculousness and fights for no reason, she has become part of my soul. Which is hard for me to admit. But she knows. And I know. So everything will be fine.

On to bigger and better things…

I met a guy the other night in my Music Appreciation class who looks and speaks exactly like John…and his name is Matt. Talk about creepy. I saw him before class and he asked me for a cigarette. I hadn’t noticed anything odd about him until he approached me…and then…there it was…he asked me to sit with him at a concert (given by the school) that we had to attend…and I talked with him a little bit. It was too much. I left the concert early. Poor guy has no idea how sad and creeped out he makes me feel.

The temporary job actually isn’t too bad. I don’t know if it is just the assurance of knowing where I will be working and what I will be expected to do, but it is really easy and entails sooo much less stress than I am used to. And I get off at 3! How cool is THAT?! I think I might actually be sad when I have to go back to a regular job. But this one wouldn’t pay me enough to stay. Although, the supervisor there did tell my supervisor that I was “extremely bright and a great worker”. That’s right, I ROCK.

Stuck-in-my-head Song of the Day: "The Distance" - Cake

1 comment:

Pookie.... said...

When is she going, WHAT is this??? answer my calls woman!!!! I didn't have my phone and I am sorry!!!!!
Also Just reading that made me sad