
Today, I am looking at apartments on the internet…just incase my Missy Pissy thing doesn’t pan out. I don’t really care if it does or not. I plan to enjoy living alone. The only thing is, I really love my apartment. I just can’t wait to be ALONE. I figure it will be April before I move. In the meantime, I will save money, I have been kind of a recluse lately anyway, it isn’t like I spend a ton. And with the raise, it should be a pretty good amount.

So, I am optimistic and really excited…It will just be me and Ernge…Kitty of my dreams. I really was dreading all of this…but since it is happening…I don’t really care if I have a little shitty place…as long as it is mine.

My mom is all concerned that I will go outside of my budget because she knows I don’t want to live in the ghetto, but I am being good. I am not going to overestimate my price range, and I am not going to insist upon living in a country club…I just think that it is important that, since I am going to be living alone, I don’t live somewhere unsafe, you know? So, I have to be somewhat selective. I am stoked.

STOKED…god, that reminds me of high school.

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