

I am so tired of being pissed off about the utter irresponsibility of people at work. I am sick of thinking about what an incompetent moron my new supervisor is. And tired of hearing the “juicy” office talk about how Becky is pregnant and she isn’t even going to get…(GASP)…married! God forbid these people get lives and move on.

Today I was informed that I will be working at a hospital for the next month. It is 20 minutes longer a drive and 100 times more boring a job. (I normally work in a clinical environment with hundreds of people running around all the time). I will be stuck in a room…answering phones at a switchboard for a MONTH. I got certified to be a MEDICAL SECRETARY not a fucking telephone operator. Damn it, I am pissed. I will work 7am-3pm…which isn’t so bad really, because I can get to school on time…For once in my life…but it sucks because I have to leave my house at 6am! Luckily, this week is almost over and I then I can rest easy.

So, I spent the last half of the day learning HOW TO ANSWER A PHONE by a guy who apparently, has been doing it for 20 years. Now I ask you, who in HELL answers phones for 20 years?! WHO?! God, I wanted to kill him. In fact, the mere sight of him made me want to drink gasoline.

Then there was the issue of the 40 grueling minutes of traffic on the way home…and an angry phone call from Tiff about my cat puking on something. I tried my hardest not to scream at her too. I don’t like being called to be bitched at about stuff that I can’t control. I don’t like being bitched at period…but it must have been fairly obvious by my…ABSENCE…that I wasn’t there and could not remedy the problem…so I sat…in traffic…and cussed her under my breath. I hate being angry.

I almost feel like I should stop typing and put my pajamas on and go to bed. Hell, it IS already 7:30! I have to go to work soon. Damnbastardmotherfuckers….

1 comment:

Pookie.... said...

OH Crizzle Oh how I love thee, Let me count the ways!!! I miss thee, more than thee knows!!! okay enought with the thee's and the thou's..... LOL why does my BLOG run together and yours doesn't, not fair! not fair at I all I tell ya! LUV YA!!!