
I can’t remember the last time that I came to work in such a good mood. I guess it has a lot to do with the amount of rest that I got this weekend. It was really nice. Also, I know that after today is over, I only have ONE more day in this department. Dr. Dork said something about wiring my jaw shut so that I can’t talk and thus, will not be able to be a secretary. But you know…since he IS my doctor, I suppose that if he did that, they would pay me anyway. So, I am indifferent. It is better than the prior idea he had to keep me here which involved thera-bands and a catheter.

I still would rather be at home than here though. Evidently, Tiff is having the day from hell. She wants to strangle the little boy she watches. And the little girl may or may not have pink eye so she stayed home from school. Which means, Tiff and I may or may not have pink eye very shortly. I really hope that I don’t get it. The people that she works for are such assholes, I can’t believe she hasn’t told them where to stick it yet. I would have. But…maybe that’s just me.

Belly dancing starts today. I am really nervous. I didn’t really think that I would be and I don’t know why I am. Oh well, it will be really fun, I’m sure. I have never taken a class like this before. I am sure it will be interesting. Who knows, I might be the best damned belly dancer in town…heh heh.

There is a guy at work calls me “sweet face”. Interesting…He obviously doesn’t know me very well.

Oh, well…I think that, for the rest of the afternoon, I will read about fish. I’m out.

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