
So…Three more work days left until I start the new job. I can’t wait to get started.

I am afraid that I am getting sick though. I stayed home from work today because when I woke up, I felt like I had been hit by a bus. I can always tell when I am going to get sick because I get a rash first. Leave it to me to have a weird reaction to a damn cold, right? I am nothing if I am not unconventional. So, to top of the sick feeling, I am itchy.

It is kind of nice getting to spend the whole day not speaking to anyone though. It is nice when I can just sit around the house and drink tea in my pajamas. I just wish I had someone to make the tea…so that I can be completely sloth like instead of doing a half-assed job of it. Oh well.

So, anyway, I have been sitting here all day listening to music and drinking tea. It has been fabulous. I really need to sit alone all day more often so that I don’t go nuts. I am sure, however, that I will have 700 emails when I get to work tomorrow. I am not looking forward to that.

I have been debating all day on whether or not to join Kazaa and download some music. The thing is, I really don’t want to pay for it, (Napster spoiled us all) and really, at this time, there is just ONE song that I absolutely MUST have (Trouble –Pearl Jam) because I heard the original version on TV this morning. It, of course, wasn’t the same, because it was…someone else…maybe Victoria Williams??? I don’t know…not the same, though.

I start my belly dancing class on Monday. I am so excited. This is new. I have never done anything remotely similar to this so, I am ready to do it. I heard that my abs will be ON FIRE, though. That’s okay, they need to be…I am kind of nervous though! I won’t be alone, Tiff and Casper are going to be there, but I hope I don’t suck too badly. Maybe THEY will suck…or better yet, maybe we will be the only ones in the class! That would ROCK!

Stuck-in-my-head Song of the Day: "Down by the River" - Neil Young

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