
I really want to go to sleep. There is something about work that makes me deliriously tired while I am here. And then, as soon as I leave, I am back to normal again. I need to leave. Right now.

Brandy, you are more than welcome to come and live with me. But I ain’t babysitting. (I am only kidding…I suppose I would do that for you. Although, I really don’t know that you would want your baby’s first words to be “I will cut you”.)

And Jon, you are right, not all guys are tools. Just most of you. So there.

I haven’t done my tarot cards in about two weeks. I feel the need to keep up with this lately, because I feel like it helps me. Don’t ask me how, but I feel much more in touch with things when I keep up with them…and meditating. Which I have not been doing either. I am horrible. No wonder I am such an “anger ball” all the time. (What movie is THAT from, smarty pants?!)

Today I sent out a letter to all of the docs, therapists, nurses and everyone else that I work with. I told them how lovely my stay here in the department has been for the last five years and how much I will miss them. For most of these people, (and they know who they are) all of this is bullshit. But there are actually quite a few people that I will miss terribly. That part will suck. I will miss Dr. Dork so much because I am quite sure that the doc that I end up working for will not come out shooting rubberbands at me or talk like Curly from "The Three Stooges". Oh well, I suppose I can always come down every once in a while and smear KY jelly onto the earpiece of his phone or hide his keyboard. Just for old times' sake.

Stuck-in-my-head Song of the Day: "We Used to be Friends"-The Dandy Warhols

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