
Ricky left this morning. He stayed at my apartment last night because the movers had already picked up all of his furniture. I am really happy for him. He hated his job here and loved San Diego the last time he lived there. So…I think it is good. But I am going to miss him a lot. This will change everything. I see him every day and now I have to wait a few months at the least. It will be weird.

It really just feels like this year is going to be ONE hell of a ride. To start it off 25 with a new job, without Ricky, and with the possibility of losing my roommate all at the same time, is overwhelming. Tiff hasn’t said anything to me yet, but I am pretty sure that our time is limited. I wish that I could afford just to live alone. Or I wish that I knew someone that I would get along with the way that I get along with her. But the fact remains that there aren’t many girls that I get along with like that. Aside from that, I think I would rather live with a guy. Granted, the last time I lived with a guy, he was my boyfriend but it was fine for the most part. Aside from his messiness and his golf obsession, we did okay. Oh well, I guess that I will have to cross that bridge when I come to it.

Still, I feel like hiding out today. Too much to think about I guess. I think that the anticipation of my new job is getting to me. I am really on edge. And kind of…cranky. Oh well, I suppose I am allowed to be sometimes. I just wish that everything would just…fall into place already.

Stuck-in-my-head Song of the Day: "Black Hole"-Greyhounds

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