
So...I haven't always been the best friend in the world. In fact, I have been a downright shitty one to some people, but, for the most part, I care about people and don't want to hurt feelings or step on toes. Granted, I once slept with one of my friends' exes...just because I am an idiot...and I won't say that I haven't kept secrets about things...because I have...and I have lied...and I have been manipulative and whatnot. But I like to think I am pretty moral, and pretty good overall.

Where am I going with this?

Right here. I mentioned in a previous post that I thought that my friend's significant other might have been...well...trying to hook up with me...or at least getting a little too close for comfort at one point. I had been doing my best not to hang out with them both since then, but the other night it happened again. I like these people...both of them, so I try to ignore anything that might make anyone uncomfortable...especially ME...but, he makes comments...and he looks at me all...strange...and the thing is, in the real world, if he wasn't my friend's husband, I would think he was pretty damn cute, BUT I haven't even thought of him like that, because he is MARRIED to my FRIEND...

So, the other night, we all went out and he sees me and says something like, "AYE, Mamacita!" Which is weird...but I supposed that I could overlook it (because I looked HOT! I knew that, I did it on purpose!) but then my friend tells me the other day that he actually said to HER, "Crystal looked hot last night"...and then she told me that he said it...she doesn't even know that this would not even be the first time he has made some sort of strange comment to me or whatever...Yikes. Anyway...I keep trying to convince myself that I am just being silly and I shouldn't worry about it...but I dunno...he keeps doing it.

Anyway, I don't know what to do... I obviously should not tell her. And I obviously should not hang out with both of them...but it blows...because I like hanging out with HER a lot...whatcha gonna do...

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