
The Cake show was fantastic. Casper and I had a great time. We had dinner with Tiff and Alley at House of Blues before the show and then went in. The opening bands were really good too, so the waiting wasn’t as excruciating as it could have been. But Casper got a drumstick from the drummer who practically handed it to her at the end of the show (always a bonus) and the singer actually called me out. He pointed at me and talked directly to me, which is something I always fantasize will happen, but never does. So, we both left wired and happy as hell.

The weekend has been relaxing and exhausting at the same time. I had a great time though. Although, I do wish that Tiff could have been there too. It is hard doing things without her that I know that she would get excited about. But…Bygones. I love hanging out with Casper.

I am dreading work tomorrow. Now that I know I will be leaving soon, I can’t wait. I am ready to move on. Something about the certainty has made me giddy. Excited and sad at the same time. It will be sad not to see Boy every day, but again, I need to get out of there, before I get used to being a slacker. Vacation over. Time to get to work.

Stuck-in-my-head Song of the day: "Dog and His Master" (think that is the name) Marcy Playground.

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