
I hate the sound that Styrofoam makes when it is scraped with a plastic spoon. I do, however, like the sound of Okgo, who will be here on Thursday. No one cares about this news except Casper (and obviously me) but I can’t find her. I think the big slacker called in sick today. So, I tell you, trusty blog, until I can find that slackin’ Casper.

I was going to try and arrange a Happy Hour for tomorrow night and invite Boy and some other people from this office. But I am not sure that I want to anymore. I know that we will go, but I am not sure that I will invite Boy. He seems kind of…uptight about being the supervisor and hanging out with his employees, (which we have established, does not include me) and there will be some (the ONE that I like) of them there. I am on the fence about it.

I am considering applying for a permanent position (as opposed to my being a permanent employee of the establishment, without having a permanent department). I am not sure that I will get it, but a friend says that I have an edge over the competition, because my experience in the field is pretty extensive. So, that is comforting, but also a little scary. I am not sure about this…I guess you can never be sure of anything until you are there. But typically I am not the best at adjusting to change so this should be interesting. But, I think that, over the past couple of years, I have coped pretty well with all the changes. Hell, I am alive. I can’t complain.

That Robert guy is still calling…officially two weeks later…officially 11 days since the last time I answered the phone…and yet…I couldn’t figure out why I didn’t go out with him the last time we met…Odd. I can’t imagine why that is! I am an idiot.

Stuck-in-my-head Song of the Day: "Happy"- Travis


Pookie.... said...

I love Happy Hour! and YOU are NOT an idiot!! Somes you forget that does NOT make you an idiot, you are a beautiful rock =)

spaceface01 said...

Why, thank you shuga...I will mos def not be letting this happen AGAIN though...lol

Pookie.... said...

what happen, are you reffering to me??? I like crittle bootie, that is what I shall call her from now on!