
With a name like Jacko, how could be not be a pervert?

The lizard is still residing in the litterbox. (I have had a lot of inquiries about the lizard. By the way, I have named him Hemingway. Not to be clever. Just because I don’t get him.) Now he has been there about a week and a half and he is still alive. I guess I can rest assured that I won’t have any creepy crawlies. For reason of Hemingway and the tree frog that Ernge keeps bringing to me. (The frog clearly does not want to stay).

“Keanu with the afro” called me this evening and invited me to a show the band is playing tonight. (Bob misses you, Spliff). He is a goofy man, that one. (Say m’lady). I half considered going out to see them play but then talked sense into myself when I realized that it is still Tuesday and I am saving up all of my energy for Ricky and the crew this weekend.

I’ve decided to let the words that I mentioned earlier marinate for a while. I have waited this long, I figure I can hold off just a little more. I don’t want to overstep boundaries and I don’t want to make things more difficult than they have to be, despite the nagging feeling. I’ve decided that it is better just to wait until I know the right words to say. I will wait until LBG can do my cards.

Is anything going to go right for anyone ever again? I have gotten two phone calls tonight from crying friends. And while I know that it is not my fault that they are sad, and I know that it is out of my control, it makes me want to do something. I want to fix it and I want to strangle the people who made them cry in the first place. Nothing is fair, I know. And nothing is easy, but this is just getting silly. Sometimes I feel like I just need to scream. I need to get out my frustrations for a change. I need to just…go away. I don’t at all mind listening to my friends and helping them through and being there for them. But sometimes I wonder when it will be my turn to have a breakdown. I know one thing, when I do have one, it will be large and it will involve lots of kicking and screaming, because I don’t do anything half-assed. Be warned.


Pookie.... said...
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Pookie.... said...

Some people are like Slinkies...
Not really good for anything,
but they still bring a smile to your face
when you push them down a flight of stairs....