
In the sand...

My lazy Saturday turned into an evening of talking to strangers and drinking fruity shooters with an off-duty cop with LBG.

I left my apartment expecting a night of meat market hilarity and being the designated driver. We were supposed to meet some of LBG’s friends at a bar that I loathe where I would not be able to drink enough to numb myself from all of the meatheads and half naked twenty-year-olds. Thirty minutes in, I couldn’t take anymore. I had been surrounded, while waiting for LBG to come out of the bathroom, by a herd of very white girls who ended every sentence with the word “dog” and I was nauseated and was quickly losing my faith in humanity. When I suggested to LBG, that she just hang out with the other girls, who seemed to fit nicely in this environment, and that I would leave, she protested and insisted upon just heading to another spot.
We ended up at a bar that I frequented for many years with Ricky, Spliff and Jennajawhore. Immediately, I found some people that I hadn’t seen in a while, started talking to them and while I wasn’t paying attention, shooters were ordered by a man I’d never seen before. I’m not one to argue when presented with free drinks. They flowed for the rest of the evening. Free of charge thanks to the off-duty cop and accompanied by interesting conversation and the sound of LBG’s giggling.

When the lights came on, we watched the “last call, last chance pickup routine” and laughed and decided that the only thing left to do was to sit on the beach. I changed in the parking lot into pajamas, walked down to the shore with LBG and laughed at her attempt to pee in the dunes and not be seen by the other drunk people who’d had the same idea. We eventually plopped down in the sand, searched frantically for a lighter, and then were approached by some very young, very nice boys who’d just moved here. They sat with us and told us about their impression of the south so far and how they couldn’t understand our accents.

We watched a tiny drunk girl in a mini-skirt prance in and out of the water and down the beach towards us. She came right up, sat down, and jumped right in to the conversation, followed by a guy she’d picked up at a bar a few hours earlier. The six of us talked in different directions and then scattered. LBG and I had breakfast at the VI and went home.

It was nice to have her to myself for the evening even though there were random people with us the whole time. It was good to see her laugh again. The kind of laughing that comes straight from the belly. The kind of laughing that sounds like a song.

And for the first time in a long time, I feel completely...Cleansed.

Stuck-in-my-head Song of the Day: "Box of Rain"- The Grateful Dead

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