
I, like every time I end up at Jess’s house, stayed out too late last night. I had to be at work a half hour early to attend a meeting in which my boss, while making statements like, “don’t make faces” and “be on time”, looked directly at me. I am never late and the idea of making faces at unfavorable comments never occurred to me. So, being that accusations were already being thrown at me, I decided to make good…I started making really scrunched up ones every time she said anything that I didn’t like. Which really, was more to annoy her than anything else. The only problem was, one of the girls at the other end of the conference room kept spotting me and laughing into her hands. Which made everything a little too obvious for my liking. When I am being a smart ass in the middle of a meeting to irritate my boss, I like to keep it on the low.

In other news, I finally work in a department where there are men (who are normal people and NOT physicians). This is good and bad. It dilutes the estrogen departmentally and keeps all the hormonal women from killing one another, which is nice, but it also kind of screws with the dynamic. Now there is a whole new element to work. Now, instead of just bitching and backstabbing, there is something thrown in that I barely recognize. It resembles flirtation. I daresay that it actually does not just resemble flirtation but…IS flirtation. Strange concept, this work flirting.

To be Continued...

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