
I'll take...Things that are pissing me off for 100, Alex...

I have a ton of work already today. And as you can plainly see, I am working diligently to get it all done before five. (Working diligently = silently waiting for the coffee and blogging.)

The bastard insurance company people need to look at my car today. Because evidently, my missing work to take it to get and estimate and then again to get pictures taken was not enough for them. Its like they think I am lying. Really? Who could make up a story like this? I once made up a story about Vin Diesel jumping out of a helicopter to intercept someone’s breakfast, but even that is more believable than, “I was driving down the road and the cops were chasing this dude in a stolen car who had killed someone in NY who then shot himself in the head and slammed my car and three others.”

I am totally dropping that now…because if I talk about it anymore, I will likely go insane and hurt someone.

Mrs. P called in sick today because her daughter is ill. Her work will be “divided” between the two of us who are here. I find it funny that Mrs. J just got up, took everything out of Mrs. P’s box and handed it to me, and she is currently on CircuitCity.com. And believe me, it is not that I mind helping Mrs. P out. It’s just that I would like to kick Mrs. J in the teeth. Is that wrong?

Ooooh…today is going to be FUN!

And I might not be around for a couple of days (in the event that I get arrested for assaulting a coworker), so take care, all.

To Colin:You may borrow my balls. Sometimes they don’t function as well as they COULD and actually, until recently, they were completely non-functioning, but…hey, they are all I have to offer you.

1 comment:

Miladysa said...

LOL Great post :)