
Weekends are like another world. There is this chick who looks just like me and goes out and does things to make me look like a moron! I have to stop her. She must be destroyed.

All in all, it was a fun and eventful weekend. I did lose several articles of clothing…which I am not going to explain…chances are, I didn’t lose them the way that people will think I did. But it was interesting…to say the least. Next weekend, I will lock myself in my room with all of my clothes. Dammit.

The roommate and her boyfriend are having issues now. I have gotten used to him, he is nice…just a little annoying. She is about to kill him though. He is clingy, paranoid, and possessive. He is just like all of the guys that I have dated in my life…actually, he is a little worse than most of them were…he has like, the worst part of all of them. So, I can see why she is annoyed. BUT, she has never dated a guy who was “up her ass” before. I welcomed her to my world and told her she was on her own. She puts up with way more shit, though, than I ever have. So…she basically just tries to avoid confrontation and won’t stand her ground…But I can tell she is getting worn out. I think the end might be near. I feel bad for her, because she really wants to do all of that marriage/family crap eventually and I think she feels like she is just never going to get there. I don’t know why people stress about that stuff…it will happen when and if it is supposed to…at least, that is how I look at it…

I really do wish there were normal guys out there though…I mean, I am sure there are…but I have yet to meet one. I am tired of these idiots that I know. (No offense if I know you and you are reading this…if I know you well and I tell you all of this stuff before I write it, then you are not a boy to me anyway.) It is weird how much my life, more and more, the older I get, resembles a sitcom. I wonder what it would be called.

Stuck-in-my-head Song of the Day: Trailer Trash- Modest Mouse

1 comment:

Jon said...

...Eating snowflakes with plastic forks..