
You gotta know when to hold 'em

I think that martinis last night could have been a bad idea. I probably should have known when Tiff’s pigtails made an appearance. That is two nights in a row that I have abandoned all reason and decided to let my roommate be the boss of me. And I distinctly remember saying “You aren’t the boss of me!” I also distinctly remember trying to go to bed and being dragged off of it by my ankles. Evidently, she IS the boss of me.

I will pass out.

Eppernepperhart might be getting deployed. That is just silly. I don’t like it at all. Stupid president. Who does he think he is, taking my Jason? Bastard. That just pisses me off. Although, he is excited about it…which I don’t understand at all. I hate the military.

I am finally certified. It was such a weight lifted to know that I don’t have to spend two nights a week in dumb classes anymore. And also that a new job is JUST around the corner. I am really ready to get the hell out of here. And this place needs smarter employees. Seriously. At the moment, I am about to go and beat the hell out of one of the secretaries, because she is an idiot. I honestly don’t know where they find these people.

Stuck-in-my-head Song of the Day: “Locked Up”-Akon

And now suddenly, I am singing “The Gambler”. Odd.


Anonymous said...

Well getting deployed is the bomb baby and we don't know anything yet so don't get all excited I've done this too many times to get all worked up over a possibility it is also important to note that my mission is not in the desert thus the pres as much as I dislike him has nothing to do with this one in fact if I get to go then it is more of an honor thing that I was chosen. In any case what is this about Martini's man you guys are living it up down thier. Tell your boss i said whatup and that she needs to holla back. Also the gambiler rocks the house big baby however I only get it stuck in my head when I'm haveing girl issues so are you haveing girl problems if so I feel bad for you son.

Pookie.... said...

I think that we should go kidnapping!

Know when to fold, Know when to walk away, know when to run... You never count your money when your sitting at the table baby!!!!!!