
I am signing up for belly dancing classes with Casper! I am really excited, I think that it will be SO much fun! I need to do something fun for a change. I can’t wait. The only thing that is kind of freaking me out is that the classes start the same week that I will be starting school again AND my new job. I think I might be a bit overwhelmed. Oh well, things could be worse.

The New Year’s Eve festivities are bothering me. Tiff and I had planned to go to see Mofro. I love them, but I am not too big on the prospect of a really crowded bar. I would kind of rather, party at someone’s house. Which is an option, but one that I am not sure I want to even consider. D is throwing a party, but her psycho friend will be there, no doubt. And God forbid I happen to end up standing next to D’s brother. I wouldn’t want to be the cause of any drama. We wouldn’t want her to throw herself to the floor and create a big scene. (Not that we haven’t all seen that show before). So…D is out of the question, it seems. That really kind of sucks. Although, she has been kind of…different lately anyway. I haven’t felt much like hanging out with her. So, I suppose everything will fall into place.

I am SO glad that I don’t have to work tomorrow. I don’t think that I can take another day of this place. This, for being a short week, has been the LONGEST!

Stuck-in-my-head Song of the Day: "The New Year"- Death Cab for Cutie

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