
So, the tsunami thing is totally freaking me out. I can’t even imagine what it must have been like to live through that. I can’t fathom what it must have been like to see that thing coming at you. The death toll has been steadily rising all day long. I can’t even imagine, the last thing I see, being a gigantic wave coming right at me to swallow me up.

This idiot bitch at work today made a comment about how “none of those people believe in the Lord so it is ironic that it happened over there.” I am so sure that this “Lord” of hers, just decided, “I have had enough of those Buddhist bastards who don’t know who their father is. I will show them, I will wipe them out with a ginormous wave composed of my fury and wrath.” What the hell? What the hell does religion have to do with a natural disaster?! People like that make me want to scream. Sheer ignorance. Who says that her southern Baptist bigot ass is any better than anyone in Thailand? AH! It makes me INSANE. I don’t know what HER God is all about but I know that MINE isn’t a jackass (whichever one he might be…)

That is one thing about living in the south. In Jacksonville, no less, because in town, it is nothing more than south Georgia…which means we might as well be parading around in sheets and burning crosses and whatnot.

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