
I still have this stupid crush...and it got worse yesterday. I hate being all stupid and crushy. It is fun for a minute, but now I just feel like I am 14 again. And it makes me want to stick my head in the microwave.

It is really starting to set in that I will be leaving my little beach house. (But Tiff will still be further away from it!) I found an apartment. It isn’t beautiful and it isn’t nearly close enough to the place that I have grown to consider home. But hopefully, it will be very temporary. The upside to everything is that I will be living very close to my uncle and grandpa. My uncle works a lot and my grandpa is going to be 90 soon, so this way, I can make sure that he is eating and stuff. I really worry about him and I don’t see him nearly enough, so hopefully, that will change.

AH! I don’t want to move!!!

But I DO want to live alone. I can’t wait to live alone, actually. I think I will be uber productive and I think I will have a great time. Man, I really am growing up before your eyes, bloggers. It doesn’t even bother me that I don’t like my friends. Imagine that!

Ricky is pestering me about coming to visit and he has been gone exactly a month and four days. He is impatient as hell. This is just silly. I only talk to my friends that live in different cities. Heh. And soon that will include Tiff too.

I think it will be very strange living so far away from her again. We were never this close when she lived in Orlando before (which actually includes the entire time I knew her before she moved here). It is kind of scary because I really hope that we don’t grow apart. I really hope she doesn’t turn back into an O-Town girl. Not that she was ever quite as bad as they tend to be, but she has definitely morphed into a very beautiful, laid back, centered person since she moved here. The beach changes sistas.

Note: I have nothing against Orlando, I would just never live there. I don’t fit there. I fit in my little beach town, with my cat and a margarita.

All I know is that, the last night we are here, I want to really celebrate. I want to cook dinner, I want to have champagne, I want all of my sistas together. YOU GOT ME?

Stuck-in-my-head Song of the Day: "Alright" - John Legend

1 comment:

Jon said...

you gotta peep the brighteyes. Those lyrics you liked are his. So who is the crush? I wish I had that level of excitement in my life.