
I miss my grandpa. I have to go and see him very soon. I feel like a terrible granddaughter to him. But sometimes it is so hard to see him aging. He is unsteady and he is confused and his hearing is going, along with his eyes. And I know he is accepting it, and I know that it doesn’t bother him, because being as faithful in God as he is, he has no fear of what is to come. He knows that he will be taken care of, he knows that he will be with my grandma again. It is just so hard to see him now. It is hard for me to think of him having to live his life without her. It is hard for me to think about anything. It hurts me in the core of my soul. And I wish I could be there every day and take care of him, but then, I have a hard time even stepping foot in his house. I need to see him. I need to do it today. I can’t afford to wait. I don’t want to wait until it is too late.

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