
Day Eleven: A Song by Your Favorite Band

First of all, internet, I would like to say that I am aware of my slackdom and I apologize. But it isn’t my fault. There have been many, many things to do on top of a work trip that sucked the life out of me and very nearly made me bland. But I am back now. And because I am trying desperately to avoid doing anything that I actually NEED to be doing, I am here, blogging about songs for YOU.


So, today (read: eleven days ago) I am to pick a song by my favorite band. This is hard for me because I don’t really have a favorite band. Historically, I would have picked a Pearl Jam song and left it at that. But, I can’t really say that Pearl Jam is my favorite these days (but accidentally discard of any of my Pearl Jam momentos and I just might fumigate your home. With fire. Not to worry though, that has been taken care of already. Not the fumigation part. Seriously.)

So I went ahead and chose my favorite…guy: Ryan Adams. I love him with the Cardinals and Whiskeytown too, don’t get me wrong, but I sort of dig The Lone Ryan more. (heh, heh…The Lone Ryan.)

I picked “Two” for this song because, while it is sad (a lot of his music is), I really, really love the words. Painful, but totally relatable, I think. I mean, come on internet, who hasn’t been there to some degree?

If you take me back
Back to your place
I'll try not to bother you I promise
'Cause it's cold in here
And I wish it was hot
The sink's broke, it's leaking from the faucet
And i'm fractured from the fall
And i wanna go home
But it takes two when it used to take one
It takes two when it used to take only one
Well, my money's no good when i'm up to no good
No good ever comes from it, honest
I got a really good heart
I just can't catch a break
If i could i'd treat you like you wanted me to i promise
But i'm fractured from the fall
And i wanna go home
I'm fractured from the fall
And i wanna go home
But it takes two when it used to take one
It takes two when it used to take one
It takes two when it used to take one
It takes two when it used to take only one

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