

The weekend couldn’t have been more perfect if I had drawn it up on paper myself. The weather was warm and sunny but still breezy and cloudless. Gorgeous. I was glad that Tiff got a weekend like this before she has to leave. Especially since she won’t be here next weekend because she’s had a death in the family.

Tara stayed the weekend and we soaked up the sun and looked at old pictures. I hope she is going to be okay. She said that she was feeling a lot better since she had been with us and thanked me profusely for letting her stay. She started crying when she loaded her car. I think she was dreading going back to her real life. Our house does tend to be a lot like a vacation when the weather is nice, and we always have company.

Our landlord put the For Rent sign in front of our place yesterday morning. Tiff saw it when walking back from the beach and started to cry. It is really strange. The day is getting closer where I will no longer live with one of my best friends. I am sad about leaving the apartment too, it is just really weird to think about living somewhere else, with someone else. It does seem though, that Tiff is really just sad about leaving the place, rather than our friendship. I realize that our friendship has become too much a part of our lives to disregard, but I think it will be difficult. Look what happened with Tory. Neither of us can even get her to answer the phone. Tiff better not start that shit. I will cut her.

Nonetheless, I am excited about things changing. I think I need a change. And things are definitely about to take a turn. That’s for sure. Aside from the moving and everything, I am going to step it up a notch in the work department too. My boss has asked me to get some overtime and work a few nights and train so that I can work weekends. I am not really opposed to that considering that I would get a day off during the week, and then I would still most likely have Sundays off. I think that would be pretty nice. I like weekdays. I like that weekdays are so much more relaxed than the weekends in that, not everyone is running around, doing things that I would like to be doing. Weekdays are a good time for me to be alone. In the sun. On the beach. Lovely.

Stuck-in-my-head Song of the Day: "True Love"- Toots and the Maytals

1 comment:

spaceface01 said...

I don't recall putting a gun to your head and forcing you to move to the midwest, slutface!

p.s. I can't wait for you to be here, but I will have a new apartment and we might have to cross a road to get to the beach!
:( I am so spoiled!