
One Down...

Well, Thanksgiving is over...and I couldn't be more relieved.

I spent the day loading up my iPod, drinking coffee and receiving many, many text messages that read, "Gobble, gobble, bitches!" My family was spending the holiday with my step-cousin's girlfriend's parents...yeah, a bunch of people that I have never met...(but my mom was ecstatic that she didn't have to cook a thing.) Naturally, I turned that invite down and pretended that Thursday was nothing but Thursday. After feasting all day, JGJ came over and we went to visit D and Ad Rock at their house. Ad Rock and I drank wine and then we played "Scene It" (the music edition) and I kicked everyone's asses. I am going to gloat here because I have never in my life beaten D at anything related to trivia and I felt like I had come alive. It is a whole new world and I want more of this feeling. I will study up and I will beat her at anything I can. After I was done kicking ass, I Ad Rock and I did celebratory shots of tequila which prompted me to remember that I had to work on Friday and did not want to wake up still hammered and have to face a bunch of crazed book lovers on Black Friday. So we left before things got more tequila-y.

My mom wasn't letting me get out of the holiday that easily though. She planned to have our own Thanksgiving dinner on Saturday after I was done working at the nursing home. Fish Head and her boyfriend came in from St. Pete and my uncle and grandpa came over. The meal was heavenly...even though the stuffing was gluten-free and a little too salty and mushy for my liking...After dinner, my mom turned on her Bing Crosby Christmas CD and we decorated the tree. Grandpa seemed to have fun looking through the ornaments that Grandma had given us and he even drank several glasses of Mom's homemade kahlua (which, when mixed with milk, tastes like heaven in a glass...or chocolate milk with a kick). I will admit, even though I haven't been a holiday fan since my Grandma died, it was pretty heart-warming to have a little family dinner. It stung a little that she wasn't there to chase me around with her flip-flop when I made an off-color remark, but it is always good to have my grandpa around. It was nice to curl up beside him on the couch with my head on his shoulder. That's the part of the holidays that I always loved.

I have to commend my mom on the meal and the willingness to have my father's family over for meals even though my parents have been divorced for almost 20 years. I guess maybe the holidays aren't all bad after all.

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