
My first real thought this morning was of John. When I got to work and looked at the date, it hit me that today is exactly a month since he died. It is a strange feeling. A month slipped by so fast, as did the eleven years or so that I have known the family. It seems the older I get, the more quickly time passes. The less time you have to reflect. I think reflection is good. I think it helps heal the soul. I won’t dedicate the whole day to reflection. Just this paragraph, and then I will leave it alone.

I spent an entire day with my mother this weekend and neither of us was injured or killed so that is lovely. We went shopping and she bought me two outfits for my new job. I think she is taking pity on me because I haven’t had to wear anything but scrubs to work for the last 5 years. It is going to be an adjustment for sure.

I wish that people would learn not to talk to me on Monday mornings. I don’t like to carry on conversations before 10am. I should have a sign over my desk. A neon, flashing sign. “Please do not speak to the Crizzle before 10am. She bites. Thank you.” I should see about that. You would think that these people would just know better by now…but they don’t. They still insist on trying to tell me about their weekends or whatever…I can’t stand it. I put on the most disinterested look that I can muster up…and they still keep talking.

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