
Well…Another Tuesday. Fabulous.
Today might have been the longest day ever. I spent so much of it stressing over stupid Christmas presents. The thing about Christmas is, I tell people not to get me anything and the damn disobedient bastards go out and do it anyway…which makes me feel like I HAVE to buy things in return. Now, don’t get me wrong. I would LOVE to buy everyone amazing presents because I like doing it. But the thing about it is, I AM BROKE, people! BROKE. And while I realize that your reason for feeling the need to buy me a gift might be completely selfless (in that you aren’t buying me something so that I will buy you something too), I can’t play this game.

So, needless to say, I bought some presents. I should just stop telling people not to get me anything and then just let them and not get them anything anyway…but I would feel like an asshole. Stupid conscience.

Sean called last night to ask me what I want for Christmas…I told him to buy me a car. Is that unreasonable? I am cute enough. (Note: JOKING.)

Anyway, Jason says that my unfaltering bad mood and inability to sleep is because of my inner need to cuddle. I don’t think that is it. I am just too stressed. That is it…I don’t need to cuddle, Jason…what do you think I am? A girl?! Geez…(YOU are the ones who brainwashed me into thinking I was one of the guys for so long! You know who you are!)

That’s it…I am sleeping. I will sleep if it kills me.

Stuck-in-my-head Song of the Day: “Romeo and Juliet”- Dire Straits

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