
So, all of this super bowl stuff is really starting to get to me. I heard on the radio this morning that some lady saw John Travolta and Robin Williams like 3 blocks from my house. I can’t believe that. And furthermore, she I would have fallen down or something like that if that had been me. There are never celebrities in my city. My favorite bar was on the news last night because half of the Patriots were in there Monday night singing with the Little Green Men.

My goal this week is to meet Snoop. His concert is tonight, but I can’t afford to go…so I will be heading to the North Side to see him host the “Snooper Bowl” which is some sort of children’s charity football game in a rough part of town…But I will be there. Even though I don’t care about football and children bother me…I just care about Snoop.

A boy at work (formerly known as “Lab Boy”) bought me a ticket to see Kanye West, so that is super cool. I suppose this is his way of getting me to finally go out with him. It worked. I am going. Luckily, there are a bunch of us going, so he can’t think it is a date or anything. But I get to see Kanye again! WOOHOO!

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