
I have spent the weekend walking on eggshells with sisters that weren’t mine. I don’t know what it is about sisters being able to get on each other’s nerves more than anyone else, but it sure is true. I’ve been spoiled, Fish Head and I bicker, but most of the time, we get along like best friends.

This is quite possibly the most boring holiday weekend ever. I did manage to see a movie, go to the beach and attempt a night on the town. None of which really made me feel like I was putting my three days of freedom to good use.

I spent the better part of today at the parents’ house being interrogated by my eight year old twin nephews (who I never see for this reason) about why I smoke, why I drink beer, how old I am, where my boyfriend is and other conversational jewels. It is one thing when your parents and people who are older than you ask why you aren’t married with children yet, but when people who haven’t even gotten to fourth grade start asking, I start to get a little bitter.

I know they are just kids, they don’t know any better, blah blah blah…but kids should be the people that you don’t have to defend yourself to. SHOULD be. Not in my family, evidently. Evidently, in my family, they start drilling these things into the children’s heads very early on. Thus, avoiding anyone becoming independent or anything.

Speaking on independence though, this adulthood thing is pure crap. I went grocery shopping today and spent almost the last dollar in my pocket until payday. Thank god gas is cheap…Oh, wait…

The hospital is crawling with Katrina refugees now. Everyone is on lockdown since everyone who comes in has to be treated as if they have TB. It is going to be really interesting to go in on Tuesday. But evidently, my company gave a million dollars to the relief, which makes me proud to be a part of it.

Stuck-in-my-head Song of the Day: "Gold Digger"- Kanye West

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