
It is hard to throw things away, even when you know you should. When their usefulness has worn off and their luster is gone. When they cause you more anguish than they do happiness.

There is always that last grasp. That last moment, right before its gone, that you look back on all the things it did for you. All the things it meant to you. All the things that have long since slipped away.
Sadly, more often than not, this is when you realize that all that history, all that happiness can never be replaced by clutching to something that has become obsolete to you in any way other than one in which that will cause you greater pain, a greater sense of loss. And that is when you know it is time to say good bye.

Stuck-in-my-head Song of the Day: "Don't Look Back in Anger" - Oasis


wmjwatson said...

How come it says there are two comments but I only see one? :( I feel left out.

wmjwatson said...

Nevermind... I can see it, now.