
Well…Christmas is over. I am so happy. I thought it was going to be a lot worse than it actually ended up to be. I even stayed at my mom’s house for two nights and didn’t kill her. Imagine that.

I didn’t end up going to Orlando, which I was happy about as well. Jason ended up having to hang out with an old friend who was in town, so I was off the hook. Got lucky. It really kind of irked me that said “old friend” was in town. Because I always feel really left out when he comes here. Just because I used to be a friend as well and then……….the dumb bitch happened and he married her. She hates me (one of the highlights of being the sole chick in a group for a long time)…BUT, it is my firm belief that it is because she is stupid and bitter. Needless to say, since he has no balls, we are no longer friends. Which is fine most of the time. But when they are in town, I get kind of pissed because I am the only one who doesn’t get to hang out. Again, though…Exactly the reason that I am disposing of friends in the first place. Oh, well…fuck ‘em.

Work is slow today. No shock here. I know I wouldn’t want to come here and be poked and prodded right after Christmas. Hell, I don’t even want to be here without the poking and prodding, and despite the fact that I am getting paid. I would rather be in my bed. Under my new down comforter…watching Nip/Tuck. But…what can you do?

Tiff is still at home with her parents…and Ricky is still with his, so it has been really quiet and nice lately. Not that I don’t love hanging out with them, it has just been so…NOT busy. I love it.
D’s psycho friend threw a big tantrum on Christmas Eve because D’s brother tried to kiss me while she was at the house. I didn’t let him. But “psycho” swore that we were “sucking face” even though she wasn’t in the room and nothing was going on, and got all pissed of, had a coronary, took her ball, and went home. This is the reason that I don’t have too many girlfriends. I can only take them in small doses. And if they are crazy, (which I have learned that a lot of them are) I can take even less of them. It is sad. I honestly don’t know how D puts up with her. Oh well, not my problem, I don’t intend to hang out with her, if I can help it. Stupid People Suck.

Stuck-in-my-head Song of the Day: "Sing"-Travis

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