
Dude Looks Like a Lady...Heh...

Sometimes I think that the reason that I don’t have a boyfriend is because I call everyone “dude”. I mean, seriously, guys can’t like it when their girlfriend calls them “dude”.

Or maybe it is because I belch. And I don’t play around with that shit. When I belch and it is a good one, I expect congratulations. Dammit.

Or possibly, guys are intimidated by my ability to drink beer like a 400 pound wrestler. I mean, I can put it away.

Who am I kidding though…
Really, I mean…when was the last time I wanted a boyfriend, dude? (Sip of beer…belch.)


wmjwatson said...

I thought that was the whole point of the KH person or am I confused?

spaceface01 said...

Totally kidding about the boyfriend thing...

wmjwatson said...

Yes, I figgered but doesn't change MY question.

spaceface01 said...

What the hell is the KH person?

wmjwatson said...

Sorry..."ZH". It would be easier if you listed damn names. Jeez!

spaceface01 said...

You thought what was the "purpose" of ZH (Zebrahead...not explaining...that's the name you get)? I don't get it...

wmjwatson said...

The boyfriend thing. I thought that guy was the one you were pining for or something. It is quite possible I have misread something somewhere or simply don't know the whole story... hell, ANYthing is possible.

spaceface01 said...

ZH = Seattle = Where I am supposed to move.

wmjwatson said...

Well, there you go. So why not just move there NOW?

spaceface01 said...

Yeah. There's this thing that I have promised to do...it happens on week days. They give me money in return, but they won't let me leave until January at the earliest.

wmjwatson said...

Uh... you're in florida. It's a right to work state. You can leave whenever you want.

spaceface01 said...

Not if I don't want to pay them back for my certification!!

wmjwatson said...

Those rat bastards! Oh, well... it's just a few months until bliss, right? You can wait that long. THEN you will get to learn that .... nevermind. It's good to have goals!! :)

wmjwatson said...

Man, I know you two share a brain and all but I sure do hope you don't share a liver.

spaceface01 said...

It is a damn good thing we don't...although, I am working on a hook-up...Don't worry, Spliff!